ChrisSiebert2Þann 1. júlí sl. sögðum við frá Chris og Rebeccu sem komu frá Bretlandi til að safna flugum vegna strontíumrannsókna. Þá var svo lítið af rykmýi að þau þurftu að lokka til sín flugur með söng. Nú eru þau komin aftur, en aðstæður eru breyttar. Þetta kallast víst pæluvargur á mývetnsku.
On 1 July we commented on the visit by Chris and Rebecca from Oxford University who are studying strontium isotopes in the Myvatn foodweb. They wanted to sample midges but they were so scarce that the couple had to attract them by singing. Today the situation for Chris and Rebecca was kind of the reverse! Thick clouds of blackflies in the biting mood are termed „pæluvargur“ in the local language: a blackfly cloud so thick that you have to dig your way through it.